When I was younger (preteen to early teens) one of the things we did as a family was to take drives together. We didn't go anywhere in particular, but we would stop at the gas station along the way grab some cokes, bags of chips, and maybe a moon pie before heading out. The next few hours would be spent driving around with no destination simply driving around for the journey. I don't remember any conversations that were had, though I'm sure there were plenty, and I definitely do not remember many of the towns we drove through, but I do always remember driving through Pine Apple.
From the first moment, we drove through I fell in love with the town. I can't say exactly what it was about it, but I was in awe of the old buildings and the quaint atmosphere. Immediately my mind started to think up stories about the people who might have lived there years ago. It was my favorite place for us to drive to whenever we would go on our family drives. Each time we went I would find something new that inspired my imagination, and the town would etch itself a little deeper into my soul.
As time went on we stopped taking those drives, I moved away and saw other towns, cities, villages, and parishes that inspired my imagination, but I never forgot about Pine Apple. My mind would wander back to it time and time again, and I would wonder about people who might have lived there, or could possibly be living there now. It held so much mystery and enchantment for me.
When I wrote my first novel I wanted to keep the setting generic - although it is greatly inspired by the villages I see on a daily basis - I didn't want to give it a specific name or even elude to a specific place. It was very important to me that Reflection of Me be set in a place that could be anywhere in the world. However, as soon as I had the idea for Vixens' Diner I knew it had to be set in Pine Apple, AL. I knew that if I didn't write a book based in that town that it would continue to haunt my imagination, begging me to tell a story with it at the heart. Obviously, I have taken liberties with my description of the town, but it is very much a real place, and I very much still think fondly of Pine Apple, AL. So if you ever find yourself traveling around Alabama take a detour through Pine Apple, and maybe you'll fall in love with it's charm the same way I did.