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Writing Process

Since becoming an author I've been asked about my writing process a handful of times and every time it has stopped me in my tracks. What is my writing process? The best way I have been able to describe it has to do with quoting the 10th Doctor "People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but *actually* from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff." (

Sometimes I come up with the beginning of the story first, other times the end, and still other times it all starts in the middle. As I write I tend to jump from beginning to middle to end, back to middle, back to the end, then the beginning, and so on and so forth. After most of the story is laid out and I know where everything is heading I start and the beginning and work towards the end until a) I hit a wall or b) inspiration hits and I need to move to a different section.

I'm sure that to many people the journey I take to write a book would seem chaotic at best, but for me it works. The story comes to me the way it comes to me, and I write it down as it does.

Once I have a solid beginning, middle, and end written I like to start at the beginning again and slowly work my way to the end. I'll do this four or five times, editing, revising, and adding where needed.

It is a lengthy process, and at times can feel like I'm all over the place, but it's how my brain has always worked. I've tried writing the way I've heard other people write (jotting down notes, creating time-lines, outlines, etc.) it didn't work for me and took a great deal of the joy out of it.

With my second novel finished and set to be published 31 October, and my third novel in the works I've found a rhythm that works for me,. It may be "wibbly wobbly timey-wimey", but it works for me!


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